Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Craving for camera

Aiyaa..... did not post up my new T-shirt yet, it is printed with a huge antic camera hanging on my neck, a gift from my dear. I was browsing here and there to get some ting ting tong tong, and I came across this pendant, love it so much, but it is no longer available.

Recently craving for new camera, since I'm not going to get a real one in short term, at least. So, I want to get everything else that have the cameras. hahahaha.....

Back to the necklace, although it is a bit overpriced, but I'm glad to pay the price if I see it first.
People says: 可遇不可求!

It looks like this: (Vist My Kedai Runcit)



#~м@ñQΐйĞ~# said...

your new camera t-shirt pic is with me.. will upload soon... nyek nyek nyek...
how come the camera pendant is with a trump?

ChoonShih said...

I guess that's the antic flash light, but someone stolen the bulb... :(