Wednesday, October 27, 2010






Monday, October 25, 2010

The Spark

Although it is a very difficult path in front, there are doubts, there is a lot of unknown, I'm not sure what will happen, but I took the step. I hope it is a step forward. It would be step that takes me out of my comfort zone. I always tell myself, you are who you think of.

I remember the feeling when Wayne and I met at the Penang International Airport, it was an unscheduled meeting. He asked me what are you doing? I answered that I'm an engineer in my company. Not an answer that I'm proud of, not because the pay is below par, not because of it is a bad workplace, but there is something missing from me.

The spark has come back again. Hopefully I would be able to grab it, light it and enlighten others.

Come on....


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Facebook Spamming

I know it can be turned off, but I never expect this many in such a short time.

Sometimes, it is fun; sometimes, it is annoying. So how? - Live with it :p


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

AirAsia Improved

AirAsia has made a significant improvement by adding the LIVE assistant feature at their website, but the traffic is quite heavy too. Anyway, great job to help those need instant help, and cannot get help through the phone.

Below is the transcript of conversation recorded...
Hello ChoonShih. How may I help you?

Welcome to Air Asia !Before we proceed, I would need some basic information from you. May I have your full name and mobile number?

Hi, may I know how to book ticket using the priority booking privilledge?

Hi, I'm Tan Choon Shih. 01X-XXXXXX

Thank you for the information.

You must be an AirAsia Savers Account Holder or AirAsia-Citibank Credit Cardmember

I got an promotional SMS from AirAsia priority booking but I'm not sure how to proceed from there. I have AirAsia credit card.

Kindly go to

I can just book from there? If I use the normal login to book, I'll just get normal rate?

Correct.You must be an AirAsia Savers Account Holder or AirAsia-Citibank Credit Cardmember to be able to enjoy this.

Ok. Thank you so much for your help. I try to login and search for the flights.

Kindly do.

Is there anything else I may assist you with?

Not at the moment. Thanks for your help. Have a nice day.

You're most welcome.Do not hesitate to contact us again should you require any further information. Kindly proceed with our Customer Survey after this conference, to help us Improve on our Quality and Services. Do click on the "Close" button provided on the lower toolbar instead of the "X" button that closes the chat window so that you may share your experience by doing the Survey. Thank you for your time and Thank you for contacting Air Asia. Have a pleasant day.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010







Saturday, October 9, 2010

Project 52

I've forgot when did I buy the DSLR, and project 365 has not even cross my mind for years until today. I seriously thinking to post some photos up to my blog or FB, daily photos? no way... how could I achieve that number given the time I need to spent on other things? Impossible, but not impossible entirely. I think probably I can start Project 52 instead?

The idea really flowing in after I've bought myself a lens that I have wanted for so long, besides getting a new camera body. I have spent half a thousand, this is an amount that my dear keep complaining that she could do much things with it, but people see things, and value things differently. I've told myself to forget about getting a new camera in short term, errmmm, I would say in the near 6 to 12 months. I also promise myself that I would be a very cautious in spending, just to make sure that I can help ManQing to materialize somethings that we want for out future.

Looks like the long wish list that includes a better DSLR, iPhone4, MacBook, especially those high tech gadget are going to be friezed. Never mind lar....I should talk about Project 52. Besides, I did not discard the flash light from my wish list or more accurate to say, the must spend list, but I really need to prolong the service life of my Alpha 200 if I really want to get a flash.

hmm.... I have the photos inside the memory card, but I'm lazy to download it, to post it up, that's why Project 365 is not going to happen, we'll see whether Project 52 could be something really special :p

Still thinking whether to post up the 1st 50mm F1.8 photo for 1/52..... tik tok tik tok....


Thursday, October 7, 2010


好男不和女斗?只是不想让你所谓的 International Social Platform 难堪而已!其实我根本不想鸟任何人,浪费时间。


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Craving for camera

Aiyaa..... did not post up my new T-shirt yet, it is printed with a huge antic camera hanging on my neck, a gift from my dear. I was browsing here and there to get some ting ting tong tong, and I came across this pendant, love it so much, but it is no longer available.

Recently craving for new camera, since I'm not going to get a real one in short term, at least. So, I want to get everything else that have the cameras. hahahaha.....

Back to the necklace, although it is a bit overpriced, but I'm glad to pay the price if I see it first.
People says: 可遇不可求!

It looks like this: (Vist My Kedai Runcit)


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ah Dear, happy birthday!

Haha, I'm like a teenage girl, who is young, creative, energetic and adventurous, like to try on new things, especially those cute, childish and colourful things. However, I'm still  wondering how did I finish the masterpiece above, but honestly, I like it. Don't need to mention the girl and guy in the collage, they are wonderful, LOL.... besides, the clip arts and everything else also very sharp and eye-catching.

I knew you had a few great birthday events, and the celebration in like never ending. Wish us to continue to the good trend in following years. Happy birthday, dear.
