Thursday, March 25, 2010



Saturday, March 20, 2010




Monday, March 15, 2010




  1. 李宗伟在全英羽球公开赛勇夺桂冠,搔了七年无法登顶的痒。一个字,“爽”。虽然遭遇顽强的反抗,加上Line Judge的误判,缩短了他的征途,要不然结局很难预测。全马上上下下,老老少少都为他大气加油到一点,今天也该放假了吧!
  2. 曼联一肥一瘦连下三城,肥仔Rooney累积了32个进球。中坚铁卫归位,连续三场一球不漏,回来的正是时候。之后还要恭候红军和蓝调,很紧张。好让红魔粉丝歇一歇吧。
  3. 没有足球的周末,根本都不像周末。没有那种汗流浃背的满足感,没有那把龙门射穿的成就感,没有那被击败的失落感。星期一不该是工作天,应该吸取周末的足球精华,然后把星期一列成足球天。想到就爽。
  4. 周末的足球那么精彩,可以从晚上八点追到凌晨五六点。把那么精彩的球赛都编排在一起,那么星期一应该是睡觉天。星期一睡到十二点,然后踢球从一点踢到三点,回家睡觉,然后再从八点到十点,再回家睡觉。完美!!!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


今天来上班的目的好像只为了出席和Engineering Director的会议。在会议里,老板不在,我也不在……不在乎,还有不在状态。虽然战战兢兢的,嘴巴里的词句好像乱成了一团,虽然发现自己根本不在状态,但是我还是得把手上的工作完成,最少也把该汇报的都提了一下下。






Sunday, March 7, 2010

Movies Again

It is time to summarize the movies that I have watched from the beginning March 2010. I'm quite amazed that I watched a few movies without knowing how much time I already spent on movies, to be exact, movies downloaded from internet.

  1. [REC]^2

  2. 十月圍城

  3. 旺角監獄

  4. 風雲Ⅱ

  5. All About Steve

  6. The Lovely Bones

Still have many movies to watch... but many other things to do too...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why Some Men Have Dogs And Not Wives

I see this forward email and I think it is very cute, interesting and definitely true for some reasons. I like at least 50% of the statement below, but in real life I don't think people are going to practice number 10.

1.  The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you.

2. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.

3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.
4. A dog's parents never visit.

5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get  your point across.
6. You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready to go 24 hours a day.
7. Dogs find you amusing when you're drunk.
8. Dogs like to go hunting and fishing.

9. A dog will not wake you up at night to ask, "If I died, would you get another dog"??

10. If a dog has babies, you can put an ad in the paper and give them away..

11. A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling you a pervert.

12. If a dog smells another dog on you, they don't get mad. They just think it's interesting.
13. Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck.
And last, but not least:
14. If a dog leaves, it won't take half of your stuff.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

10 Most Common Excuses for Not Changing

Justification for failure are sometimes well founded, 
sometimes imagined, 
but in either case, people use them to confirm their preexisting 
belief that their lives can’t get better. It gives them a reason to be 
discouraged—and not to try.

People resist change because they are afraid of the unknown.
Only when a situation becomes too painful are people motivated 
to make a change. Don’t wait for your life to become unbearable. 

1. I'm not educated
  • Change one thing: Change your communication style. Use more body language.
  • Dump one thing: Drop the idea that you need a degree or MBA to be successful.
  • Keep one thing: List out your strengths and hold on them
2. I don't speak so good
  • Change one thing: Practice your enunciation.
  • Keep one thing: Keep your accent, it reflects your personality.
  • Dump one thing: Don't try to pronounce difficult words. Use smaller words instead.
3. I don't have enough experience
  • Change one thing: Volunteer yourself to get more experience.
  • Dump one thing: Don't be afraid of trying something new because you have not done it before.
  • Keep one thing: Keep a record of your successful projects.
4. I'm too smart
  • Change one thing: Listen before you speak. Ask gentle questions.
  • Dump one thing: Stop taking credit for everything.
  • Keep one thing: Hang on to your self-confidence. Lead by example, not giving orders.
5. I'm unattractive
  • Change one thing: A little make up. Natural looking, face enhancing kind.
  • Dump one thing. Get rid of clothing that does not work for you. Throw them and don't look back.
  • Keep one thing. Find the one from your close that you feel good in it. Get different colours.
6. I was fired from my last job
  • Change one thing: Don't play victim, business is business. Leave with grace and with you head held high.
  • Keep one thing: Stay optimistic. Getting laid off is unpleasant, but it is not a death sentence.
  • Dump one thing: Never speak badly about your former employers, no matter how much you hate your job.
7. It is too late to try something new
  • Change one thing: More networking. Do it with someone you are comfortable with.
  • Dump one thing: Lose the idea of going for four/five networking events a week.
  • Keep one thing: Hold on to enthusiasm for what you are doing.
8. I'm too old
  • Change one thing: Change your hair style. Get a tailored suit.
  • Keep one thing: Keep your sense of humour.
  • Dump one thing: Stay away from the sun. Never wear toupee or do a comb-over.
9. The world is against me
  • Change one thing: Turn adversaries into allies.
  • Dump one thing: Get rid of the notion that you are in it alone.
  • Keep one thing: Keep the burning desire to succeed and stay on top of the game.
10. No one takes me seriously
  • Change one thing: Think before you speak. Pause in between.
  • Dump one thing: Stop fidgeting!
  • Keep one thing: Keep your personality.

It’s easier and less 
daunting if you make one small change at a time, rather than 
attempting a total overhaul down the road.

Source: Change One Thing - Anna Soo Wildermuth with Jodie Gould