Sunday, February 27, 2011

It is not the worst week that I had...

Not many people know that I had an accident last Monday, but I had to let some people know. I banged the back of a car just at the exit of my company, so you know how the car owner would be, right? She is my colleague, not very close to me since she is in IT department.

I'm sorry for being an asshole for the reckless driving since I had something else in my mind, that's the last thing to do when you're driving. Luckily, she is a very very nice lady, not even a word that she wanted to 'condemn' me. I was in hurry, but the worst thing at the moment was her car cannot move, holy shit.... so I have to come up with some strategy she knows none that really can help. So, I am the guy.

I called for towing service, I tailed her car to the workshop, to let the spray and metal work business owner assess the damage and the cost of repair. Before that, I had to ask HuiMing to send the lady home. I had to postponed my tuition. See, just because of my carelessness, I had to waste so much time of others... really feel bad about that.

I did not feel really bad about myself, but feel lucky that my mistake did not cause something worse, that could cause any injuries, I can't afford that. Luckily, everything is about money only for this round.

Settled the car of the lady on Wednesday, lead time = 2 days. Settle my car on Friday, lead time = 4 days. Kinda satisfy with how everything goes. So, no pain, no gain. Have to be careful and caution whenever whoever is driving. Pay attention.

- E.N.D.-

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Off Balance...

Kinda off balance a bit, because deep inside my heart, I want to live up to my expectation, no matter it is as a partner to my dear, as a employee in routine job that earning me a living, as a son that contributes to home and take care of the family, as a tuition teacher that dedicated in teaching, as a sportsman that want to thrive in running, as a co-owner of Benji, and so on.

I think I'm shifted towards the tuition side, I've put quite some time into that portion, and not paying enough attention to others. Sometimes, we got to choose, I want to be the best, but not sure the best will do me any good.... It is back to the priority and time management thing again.

Hope that I'll be fine.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Review of 6 weeks into 2011

I guess there are not much thing to review at the moment, because most of the action items or projects are long term basis, but I'm not feeling comfortable with myself.

  • I think I need to make a gantt chart to prepare notes for the tuition classes. 3 classes in a week is never easy, and I find myself cannot resist the temptation of getting a bit more rest that leads to periodic inactivity.
  • It is time to get back on track to the working mode. The brain is kind hang like a 368 computer, slow in processing data, and slow in responding. Need to refurbish the hardware, and move to quadcore immediately.
  • Things are getting haywire. Room is in a mess, account management is a not updated, files on computers and portable drives are not well-organized. Need to prioritize and finish one by one.
  • Renovation is behind the schedule, need to talk with parents and get things running after for long rest for CNY.
Of course, there are some good things:

  • Completed the ROM and really happy to at least complete one important action item in 2011. But, this is just the beginnning.
  • Replaced running with cycling. The ankle injury is not fully recover yet. Probably need to see sin seh again to make sure that it is fixed. Cycling is not really my hobby, but at least it gets me going.
  • Get things running in the office. Things and I mean critical things are coming to my way, my director told me to salvage 0.8-1% yield gain. Wow.... again, time management is important.
I shall start doing something, rather than blogging already.

-Everyday is a good day-

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm a married man

It is unbelievable, exciting and amazing to find myself already a married man, to a lady that I adore and love. I hope we'll share the joy and sorrow for the times to come, have mutual respect and understanding, and always maintain and enhance our relationship as husband and wife with love, patience, forgiveness, respect and understanding.

There's a long way to go, but I'm sure it would be a wonderful path to travel with my wife, hand holding hand, and with the blessings from both families, relatives and friends.
