Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
An Unsent Letter to AirAsia
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm writing to you regarding a few surprise from AirAsia. I'm happy to share the followings with you.
I'm writing to you regarding a few surprise from AirAsia. I'm happy to share the followings with you.
- My name is Sushan (given by AirAsia), what a special name.
- Flight suspension? Should I feel lucky because it is not being canceled on the spot?
From 25 Mar 2010 onwards, KUL-KWL-KUL reduced from 7x weekly to 4x weekly. Thanks for the early notice.
AirAsia still needs A LOT of improvement on Sales and Customer Service, other than keep expanding the routes and cutting them down some time later. Below is the announcement that I saw after double checking my booking yesterday. Like what auditors say, you'll something something new every time you visit the same place.
I don't receive any SMS or call, should I assume that my trip is 'SAFE'?
- AirAsia website needs proper maintenance, serious.
AirAsia announces flight suspension but the flight schedule still no up-to-date. KUL-KWL flight frequency is STILL daily. Valid till October 2010 some more...
Website isn't there for marketing and sales purpose ONLY, seems like you just keep posting up all the offers and promotions that attract 'cheap flyers' like me. One hand, it is a bargain when I first buy it, on the other hand, I'm not sure whether I will be flying according to schedule or not.
It's so annoying. You understand, right?
Monday, February 22, 2010
PDRM Summons Status Update
Sunday, February 21, 2010
兜兜转转的,我们到了Taman Victoria。我可要告诉你这不是普通的住宅区,可以看见很多豪华的洋房,很阔的空地,富丽堂皇的装饰,太棒了。客厅没有42寸的LCD电视,却有很多的古董摆设,还有一个Mini Home Theater,太赞了!
兜兜转转的,我们到了Taman Victoria。我可要告诉你这不是普通的住宅区,可以看见很多豪华的洋房,很阔的空地,富丽堂皇的装饰,太棒了。客厅没有42寸的LCD电视,却有很多的古董摆设,还有一个Mini Home Theater,太赞了!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Feb Movie Marathon
The movie marathon is actually keep going, but my blogging pace is just forever lagging behind. Here, I just list a few movies that I have finished watching. Some are downloaded movies and some are those from the TV. Looks like there are many Singapore movies leh.... Malaysia movies leh? Where are you?
- Surrogates
- Are You Scared 2
- 刺陵
- 同門
- 叶问
- 钱不够用2
- 老师嫁老大
- 我在政府部门的日子
Sunday, February 14, 2010
还记得这是我们在Gem Island的杰作,制作过程保密!哈哈!最近你爱上了某个软件,时不时就用它来“过日子”,可见你花了不少时间和心思在练习,才“修”成正果。
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Feb Movie Marathon - Jennifer's Body
Obsession of Megan Fox continues until you watch this breakthrough. Can you imagine sexy Megan covered with blood all over her body, vomit some super disgusting black tar like things out from the mouth? However, there is one thing that I have to agree, she's evil, she is evilly beautiful and sexy, and not just high school evil.
The story is about Jennifer (Megan Fox) being killed by a boy band singer, and sold her body to the devil. She just came alive after being stabbed several times, and she needs to feed on human flesh to fill her stomach and stay young. Jennifer seduces high school boys with her sexy figure, set them up and eat them.
What is the mistake that she did is she picked the wrong guy, who is Nitty's (her best friend) boyfriend. She ate him, and Nitty gets mad, lost control and killed Jennifer. She was bitten by the demon, she was sent into the cell, but she changed totally after that. Watch to find out more.
For me, this movie got picked just because of Megan Fox only, but you can take some positive from this movie as Megan Fox is good at being a demon as well.
Rating: 3.5/5
Feb Movie Marathon - The Goods Live Hard Sell Hard
If you are a car salesman, it probably good for you to watch this movie. It is about a group of car salesmen that business owner employs to boost up the car sales or to rescue the business. It is more like a comedy to me because you can watch a lot of stupid stuff in this movie, including dildos falling down from the sky, smoking in the aeroplane, many ridiculous selling techniques, a 10 year old boy with age 30 look, and so on.
I just enjoy the movie as it does not require much of comprehension, you just watch, laugh and can totally forget about it later. One of the lesson that I have take away from this movie is when you want to sell something, you need to visualize the scene to your prospect, and convincing them from there.
Make them believe and you will get the sales.
Rating: 3/5
Friday, February 12, 2010
在苏州过了接近两个星期,还有之前吃了那么多的好料,现在终于有报应了。体重从去年十二月开始不受控制,从63.5公斤飙升到现在67公斤。能吃,真的是福啊!还可以发福 tim!
~ yes ~
~ yes ~
Thursday, February 11, 2010
我把“懒散和腐败的集团为何称得上世界第一数字存储解决方案提供者?呕!”发布在面子书上,却有一股更大的冲动想发在公司IM 的status。很想泄愤,我在怀疑这是挫折感还是使命感!可能对那些人的期望不要那么高比较好。
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Feb Movie Marathon - The Perfect Getaway
A perfect getaway from the tedious working environment, who doesn't want that? Of course, everyone wants it, but a honeymoon to a place like Honolulu, Hawaii should be in everyone's top 10 travel destination list, but not with the psycho killer along.
The movie will surprise you as the way they make it that you will think that who is the killer? I know that there is a killer couple in Honolulu, but which couple? The movie is making a documentary of Honolulu, as you can see a beautiful waterfall with naked ladies (Oops, not boobs shown!), grand cliff, green mountain trail, and of course the ocean and the waves.
It took almost one hour or more to actually let you know who is the killer, most of the time they were just talking, and try to project false impression to you. Is this the trick to capture the attention? Not very good tactic though.
Rating: 3/5
Feb Movie Marathon - Zombieland
Just need to clear my list, so I have to choose those movies that ManQing least preferred to be on top of my -to-go list. Zombieland, of course it is about Zombie. Coincidentally, the world seems like being occupied by dead people (Zombie) rather than human being, if not mistaken I just saw 5 human from the beginning to the end.
There is a sissy guy that make rules for himself in order to survive. Rule 1: Cardio. Run a lot, those overweight people tends to be running slower, and seems to be easy target for Zombie. Rule 2: Double tap. If you are not sure whether the Zombie is dead after the first shot, don't keep the bullet for after life, put another 1 thru its head. Many funny and meaningful rules you can see, it is a quite interesting movie and not as horror as those hardcore Zombie-movie-maker.
If you like to see the zombie's head being blow out, this is the movie. In fact, I like one character that kills zombie like eating peanuts. I have that resident evil kind of feeling. Exciting.
Rating: 3/5
Feb Movie Marathon - Carriers
I love to watch those movies about natural disaster, pandemic, or psycho, but definitely the pandemic movie will cause some chills in my bone. I'll feel uncomfortable, not even the ghost or zombie can beat the horror and fear that any infection that the pandemic caused. It is because the pandemic is close to us than anything else? H1N1?
Carriers talks about people are fragile, especially facing the microorganism, virus, or bacteria that can bring a person down before you even know it. People make their own rules to survive, and sometimes have to kill others to survive, even they are just kids with innocent smiles, girlfriend, or even brothers. In the circumstances that nobody can get out alive, I guess that's the way to do it.
It's sad too see people get infected, luckily the fatal pandemic is still under control, else you'll see what happen to our world in this movie.
Rating: 3.5/5
My FIRSTs in January 2010
Wooh.... seems like the clock is ticking faster than anytime before this. This is the month of February even I do not have time to summarize my first month of 2010. I remembered I had a picnic with ManQing at Mengkuang Dam on the very first day of 2010, busy buying best deal of winter clothing, and so and so.
Let me make a few 'FIRST' points to be remembered:
- First time picnic at Mengkuang Dam.
- First time someone pays my shopping bill.
- First winter experience. -6 deg C.
- First time to meet my US and Thailand counterparts.
- First Thai nickname.
- First time to try Corona, Paulaner, Perrier, and Lynchburg Lemonade.
- First time to write own promotion recommendation email to boss.
- First time to overpay for the taxi.
- First time to have accident during business travel.
- First time buy so many things for ManQing, and family members.
- First time to be the price 'negotiator' and language translator.
- First time to say multiple 'NO' to my boss in a few days time.
- First time to see and spend some time in the business lounge.
- First time to wear 4 layers of clothes.
- First time to make expensive call and someone else pay for it, hopefully.
- First external audit on my program and failed terribly.
- First time speak to American more than I ever did.
- First time to had a very bad spagetti at Sticks, Queensbay.
- First time to have family gathering at Genting Highland, to celebrate father's birthday.
We just can't stop learning. Hopefully all will become better and better.
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